The Team


Mathias ‘Lama’ Landhäußer
JCI European Academy Director 2025
JCI Germany

Mathias 'Lama' Landhäußer, JCI Germany

If you want to learn to swim, take the plunge into the cold water.

Local Organisation: JCI Karlsruhe
First attended JCI EA: 2023

Since joining JCI in 2018, Lama has been an active and engaged member, holding various positions at different levels. In 2021, he became a JCI Germany Trainer, dedicating himself to empowering young members and future leaders. Passionate about personal development, Lama participates in JCI events on both national and international stages, enjoying the opportunity to connect with new and familiar faces while exchanging ideas about life, the universe, and everything.

Professionally, Lama transitioned from academia to the fast-paced world of AI startups (to be fair, he left academia in 2016…), where he supports his team in driving innovation. Not only does he work with cutting-edge technology, but focuses on applying AI solutions to real-world challenges and not just for the sake of it. As a member of the 2023 and 2024 COC teams, Lama is looking forward to shape the best academy ever in 2025!

Marlen Wehner
JCI European Academy Head Trainer 2025
JCI Germany

Marlen Wehner, JCI Germany

Leadership isn’t just about being in charge; it’s about inspiring others to step up, take ownership, and grow. When you help others shine, everyone succeeds.

Local Organisation: JCI Würzburg
First attended JCI EA: 2018

Marlen has joined JCI in 2013. She served as State President of JCI Bavaria, Executive Vice President of Skills Development in the National Board and lead JCI Germany in 2022 as a National President. In 2023 she continued her Leadership Journey as a Vice President assigned to Europe and made the members of the Nordic Country Group shine like North Stars.

She’s a highly esteemed trainer who has developed hundreds of members at all levels of the organization and is a passionate and successful debater. Marlen made her passion also her profession and founded Marlen Wehner Academy, her own company for Positive Leadership Training, Business Coaching and Team Development. She full heartedly develops Leaders for a changing World.

More info and the application to become a part of the teams will be opened at world congress.